Health & Welfare
Study: 83% of southern Europeans support humane fish slaughter
Most southern Europeans support humane fish slaughter, underscoring the value of animal welfare for Greece’s aquaculture industry.
Boosting seafood consumption of local fish in the UK can improve health and meet climate goals, concludes a new study.
Health & Welfare
Most southern Europeans support humane fish slaughter, underscoring the value of animal welfare for Greece’s aquaculture industry.
A pesco-vegetarian diet, which includes fish, best protects against death for the elderly compared to other vegetarian diets, new study finds.
Consumers value animal welfare over sustainability, highlighting the need for labeling strategies to target consumer preferences.
University of Stirling researchers find that pescatarians’ preference for fish over land animal meat is rooted in perceived distance.
En una encuesta realizada a más de 1.500 consumidores chinos, los autores estudiaron su comportamiento de compra de alimentos frescos y encontraron que la inocuidad de los alimentos es la máxima prioridad. Estos consumidores están dispuestos a pagar más por alimentos frescos e inocuos, y están prestando atención a los detalles.
In a survey of more than 1,500 Chinese consumers, the authors studied their fresh food purchasing behavior and found food safety to be the top priority. These consumers are willing to pay more for safe, fresh food, and they’re paying attention to the details.
While significant numbers of people are undernourished, an increasing number of people are overweight. The divide between recommendations and results is marked, so we must learn more about food production and change our behaviors.