Health & Welfare
Diagnostic profile of Belize Taura Syndrome Virus
Shrimp farming in Belize, Central America, was hard hit by Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV, now known as TSV serotype A) in 1996 and a re-emergence in 2002.
Health & Welfare
In a challenge test under controlled conditions using a severe strain of the virus, resistance to WSSV was shown in shrimp supplied by the Camaronera de Coclé, S.A. L. vannamei genetics program.
Health & Welfare
Shrimp farming in Belize, Central America, was hard hit by Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV, now known as TSV serotype A) in 1996 and a re-emergence in 2002.
Health & Welfare
A 14-day study evaluated mortalities related to TSV exposure, as broodstock resistant to an “old” strain succumbed to a “new” Belize strain of the virus.