Yield10 and BioMar to commercialize omega-3 oil made from camelina
BioMar and Yield10 are set to commercialize a camelina crop containing enriched levels of EPA and DHA on par with fish oil.
A new product line minimizes the carbon footprint associated with shrimp farming while enhancing social impact initiatives in Ecuador.
BioMar and Yield10 are set to commercialize a camelina crop containing enriched levels of EPA and DHA on par with fish oil.
BioMar's climate action targets were validated and approved by the SBTi, hitting a milestone in BioMar's overall sustainability plan.
BioMar is supporting Women in Caribbean Aquaculture and the Caribbean Aquaculture Network (CAN) to responsibly expand blue food.
BioMar expands its aquaculture feed offering with a bioremediation solution to ensure optimal environmental conditions for shrimp farming.
Aquafeed companies will bail on the blue whiting fishery unless coastal states agree to quotas aligned with scientific advice. Time is running out.
BioMar is sourcing Benson Hill ingredients as part of its commitment to cut carbon emissions and build restorative soy supply chains.
ORIVO, un servicio de pruebas y certificación basado en la ciencia para la industria global de alimentos y suplementos, tiene como objetivo cambiar la rastreabilidad de los productos del mar.
ORIVO, a science-based testing and certification service for the global feed and supplement industry, aims to change seafood traceability.
BioMar Group and Síldarvinnslan will build a modern, net-zero aquafeed production facility in Iceland, an emerging aquaculture producer.
BioMar has released a plan for achieving net-zero under the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) by no later than 2050.
Deep Branch and BioMar will test the performance and digestibility of Proton, a single-cell protein for salmon feeds.
Earthworm Foundation and BioMar are partnering on responsible shrimp projects in Ecuador, including deforestation-free aquafeeds.
Innovation & Investment
BioMar has acquired AQ1 Systems, the world’s leading producer of acoustic feeding technology for the shrimp farming industry.
BioMar, a global leader in sustainable aquaculture feeds, is scaling up the inclusion of microalgae into its raw material portfolio.
Aquafeed supplier BioMar hits a major sustainability goal by reaching 1 million metric tons of salmon feed containing microalgae.