Can artificial intelligence revolutionize barramundi aquaculture?
Artificial intelligence can "push the boundaries of aquaculture" to help meet global food demand, says a University of Queensland researcher.
Health & Welfare
A new vaccine for barramundi combats Scale Drop Disease Virus, a promising breakthrough for the aquaculture industry.
Artificial intelligence can "push the boundaries of aquaculture" to help meet global food demand, says a University of Queensland researcher.
Health & Welfare
Scientists developed a new genetic test for infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus (ISKNV) that is a threat to barramundi aquaculture.
With rising ocean temperatures, are efforts to breed a heat-resistant salmon a race against nature? Or does the ideal fish for tropical aquaculture already exist?
Health & Welfare
Xelect's advanced genetics-based breeding program with Australis Aquaculture has resulted in major feed-efficiency gains with barramundi.
Health & Welfare
Selection strategies to improve Asian sea bass lines, development of elite lines, practical advice and considerations for further improvements.
Hay lecciones que aprender para la acuacultura en medio de la pandemia de coronavirus que está impactando la vida y los negocios en todos los niveles. Exploramos algunas perspectivas.
Innovation & Investment
There are lessons to be learned for aquaculture amid the coronavirus pandemic that's impacting life and business at every level. We explore a few perspectives.
Los datos de la encuesta anual de producción GOAL de la Alianza Global de Acuacultura muestran que la producción de peces marinos cultivados aumentó un 73 por ciento de 2009 a 2019.
The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL production survey data shows that farmed marine finfish production increased 73 percent from 2009 to 2019.
Health & Welfare
This study characterized the nutritional value of a high-quality poultry protein concentrate against standard poultry meal in barramundi juveniles.
Health & Welfare
Los ácidos orgánicos y los productos de levadura autolizados pueden reducir el impacto de patógenos como microorganismos, virus, parásitos y hongos, lo que respalda el rendimiento y la rentabilidad.
Health & Welfare
Organic acids and autolyzed yeast products can reduce the impact of pathogens like microorganisms, viruses, parasites and fungi, supporting performance and profitability.
Health & Welfare
Hyperthermia, or heat shock treatment, is an unconventional approach to pathogen control in fish aquaculture that appears to have potential to improve disease resistance in fish like tilapia and barramundi.
La producción de peces cultivados se ha más que duplicado desde 2005 hasta un estimado de unas 38 millones de toneladas métricas en 2018; se anticipa que la producción de 2019 se mantenga a este nivel de 38 millones de toneladas métricas.
Farmed finfish production has more than doubled since 2005 to an expected 38 million metric tons in 2018; 2019 production is expected to remain at 38 million metric tons.