Health & Welfare
What is the path to viable alternatives to shrimp eyestalk ablation?
Welfare concerns around the common hatchery technique that underpins global shrimp farming is leading to trials for new approaches.
Health & Welfare
Las preocupaciones sobre el bienestar en torno a la técnica común de criadero que sustenta el cultivo mundial de camarón están dando lugar a pruebas de nuevos enfoques.
Health & Welfare
Welfare concerns around the common hatchery technique that underpins global shrimp farming is leading to trials for new approaches.
A Seafood Watch decision to downgrade Chilean farmed trout to "avoid" stirs controversy and criticism from third-party certification bodies.
Simon Bush, profesor de política ambiental en la Universidad de Wageningen, y sus colegas dicen que el movimiento sostenible de productos del mar a menudo carece de responsabilidad y apoya el papel de un agregador como GSSI.
Simon Bush, environmental policy professor at Wageningen University, and his colleagues say the sustainable seafood movement often lacks accountability and support the role of an aggregator like GSSI.
Innovation & Investment
Under pressure for environmental impacts during its expansion in the 1990s, shrimp producers and marketplace representatives formed the Global Aquaculture Alliance to hold their industry to higher standards.
Innovation & Investment
A timeline of key milestones and achievements by the Global Aquaculture Alliance and its third-party aquaculture certification scheme, Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP).
The SeaWeb Seafood Summit, held June 5-7 in Seattle, Wash., convenes seafood industry executives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and ocean advocates from all over the world.
The U.S. foodservice community at large believes that aquaculture should be judged by its potential to feed the world in an environmentally and socially responsible manner and not by the misgivings that dogged the industry in its infancy.
Ongoing research on foodservice professionals reveals ever-growing pressure on seafood suppliers to procure safe, sustainable and high-quality seafood and provide them with all the intricate information they may require. Chefs are pressed for resources and many lack the time to grasp this complex issue.
At the GOAL 2015 pre-conference workshop in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, a panel of aquaculture management experts determined that producers sharing water resources must work together to prevent the spread of disease and to become more attractive to investors.
The Global Aquaculture Alliance's Standards Oversight Committee (SOC) met on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. GAA's annual GOAL conference will be held at the hotel this week.
Innovation & Investment
The husband-and-wife team of Bill and Betty More has earned admiration and respect in many parts of the world for their many decades of work in aquaculture and sustainability certification. SIRF has established a living memorial in their name.
Zone management is an emerging field of interest among industry stakeholders. Experts say it will aid in controlling diseases and in determining carrying capacities. We take a closer look at the management tool’s potential.
Many consumers look for an eco-label or rely on a trusted retailer or restaurant to identify sustainable seafood. Certification programs convey this assurance by providing consistent information about the origins, food safety and environmental credentials of seafood.
In modifying its infrastructure and related pond management, QVD Aquaculture uses floating water plants to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from the discharge water. Sludge pens capture sludge at ponds for later reuse.