Health & Welfare

Fish producers benefit from humane slaughter techniques

EU legislation requires farmed fish be spared unnecessary pain, distress or suffering at slaughter, and efficient manual and automated systems have been developed to help achieve this goal. What’s more, longer shelf life and improved flesh quality have been reported. 

Crowder/grader units improve harvest efficiency in large circular tanks
Article image for Crowder/grader units improve harvest efficiency in large circular tanks

Health & Welfare

Crowder/grader units improve harvest efficiency in large circular tanks

The use of larger and deeper tanks can reduce building, labor and other aquaculture production costs. However, the ability to grade and transfer large numbers of fish is more challenging when using large tanks. In a comparison of the effectiveness of a purse seine and a hinged clamshell to crowd fish in large tanks, the latter was easier to control and less stressful to salmonids. With a slotted bar rack in a side panel of the clamshell crowder, fish were simultaneously graded in size.