Barnacles to shake up live feeds for aquaculture?
Norwegian startup Planktonic AS believes that it has hit upon a viable alternative to traditional live diets in the form of nauplii from barnacles.
La empresa emergente noruega Planktonic AS cree que ha encontrado una alternativa viable a las dietas tradicionales en forma de nauplios de percebes.
Norwegian startup Planktonic AS believes that it has hit upon a viable alternative to traditional live diets in the form of nauplii from barnacles.
Shrimp larvae do not need artemia, but they need its nutrients. A synthetic artemia can support aquaculture’s increasing role as a responsible provider of food for the world’s growing human population.
The brine shrimp artemia is critical for larval fish and shrimp diets. As aquaculture expands, an effective artificial replacement diet for artemia is a major consideration for the industry.
Los alimentos acuícolas para camarón – vivos, frescos o formulados – no deben ser un punto de entrada de patógenos potenciales para el camarón y/o sus sistemas de cultivo.
Shrimp aquafeeds – live, fresh or formulated – should not be an entry point of potential pathogens to the shrimp and/or to their culture systems.
Innovation & Investment
Artemia, el camarón microscópico de salmuera utilizado como alimento en los criaderos, son los héroes no reconocidos de la acuacultura. Los expertos dicen que la Artemia sigue inspirando la innovación más de 50 años después de su comercialización inicial. Estas criaturas son mucho más que Monos-de-Mar.
Innovation & Investment
Artemia, microscopic brine shrimp used as feed in hatcheries, are the unsung heroes of aquaculture. Experts say artemia is still inspiring innovation more than 50 years after initial commercialization. These creatures are much more than Sea-Monkeys.
The red emperor snapper, known as “pouatte” in New Caledonia, is valuable throughout its broad geographic range and a highly valued food fish locally. Declining wild catches and market demand have provided the incentive to carry out technical feasibility studies to determine its commercial aquaculture potential.
The stable isotopes technique with δ13C and δ15N can be used to determine the relevance of different food sources to shrimp feeding during the pre-nursery phase of Litopenaeus vannamei culture. During this trial, different types of commercial feed, microalgae, Artemia sp. nauplii and bioflocs were used as food sources.
Health & Welfare
The authors conducted studies to test the performance of young shrimp postlarvae in systems with different approaches to aeration and water handling. Proactive management through proper feed applications and water quality control were critical elements.
Health & Welfare
Easily digested, live artemia offer important animal health benefits and improved performance when included in feeding regimes for larval shrimp. Pilot and commercial-scale trials have confirmed that artemia can be partially replaced in shrimp feeding.
Health & Welfare
Research at the Oceanic Institute has been successful in overcoming bottlenecks associated with rearing small-mouthed fish larvae by finding a suitable first feed. Early work on the calanoid copepod Parvocalanus crassirostris focused on parameters necessary for successful maintenance of stock cultures.
Health & Welfare
After experiencing disappointing survival rates following traditional artemia-based rearing protocols, the French hatchery Aquastream turned to a micropellet alternative to artemia.
Health & Welfare
To meet demand and maintain the sustainability of the shrimp aquaculture industry, commercial synthetic artemia has been developed for use as a bio-secure replacement for live artemia in larviculture.
Health & Welfare
Zebrafish offer a living model system for research in a wide variety of scientific disciplines. The Aquatic Resources Program at Children’s Hospital Boston recently identified an alternative feeding method that requires less labor.