Microbial feed ingredient performs well in trial trout diet

Responsible Seafood Advocate

Denmark-based Unibio produced via natural microbial fermentation of natural gas

microbial feed ingredient
In a trial trout diet conducted with BioMar, Unibio’s microbial feed ingredient Uniprotein was added at up to a 15 percent inclusion rate. Photo courtesy of Unibio.

Danish sustainable protein company Unibio announced that its microbial feed ingredient Uniprotein® was successfully added to a trout diet in a trial conducted with feed company BioMar.

Uniprotein is produced via natural microbial fermentation of natural gas, including biogas, with very low land and water use, the company said. The trial – conducted at DTU Aqua, the National Institute of Aquatic Resources at the Technical University of Denmark – is part of a larger GUDP (Green Development and Demonstration Program) project to develop and scale up the production of sustainable protein ingredients for trout aquaculture.

Following a standardized methodology, Unibio said the trial demonstrated that Uniprotein can be included in trout diets at up to a 15 percent inclusion rate with the same high protein digestibility as seen for fishmeal.

“Uniprotein can play an important role in reducing the current reliance and pressure on wild fish with a very efficient use of land and water and a lower carbon footprint in the future,” said David Henstrom, CEO of Unibio.


“We have seen good acceptance by the fish, and we look forward to the results on growth performance from current trials to better understand the potential of this raw material on commercial formulations,” said Fernando Norambuena, sourcing innovation specialist at BioMar.

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