Dr. John Rogers, SAIC academic board member, remembered

Responsible Seafood Advocate

Rogers helped establish the SAIC and served on its academic board

The Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre confirmed the recent passing of Dr. John Rogers, a member of the SAIC academic board.

UK-based aquaculture research organization the Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) has confirmed the tragic news of the recent passing of Dr. John Rogers, a member of the SAIC academic board.

Dr. Rogers was involved with forming SAIC and has guided and supported the organization as the University of Stirling representative on the SAIC board.

At the time of his passing, Dr. Rogers was Executive Director of Research, Innovation and Business Engagement at the University of Stirling, where he has worked since 2006. His work in higher education management and administration spans over 20 years.

As director of research and enterprise at the University of Stirling, he was responsible for an integrated portfolio covering strategy and policy, grant and contract funding, research assessment, researcher development, research governance and integrity, knowledge exchange, intellectual property and commercialization.

“He gave generously of his time, and the insights he offered were always highly valuable and well-considered,” SAIC said in a statement. “John had an impressive ability to get to the heart of even the most complex matter, while always putting people first.”

Dr. Rogers leaves behind his partner Fiona and his children Charlie and Joe.


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