Shrimp production simulation models
The evolution of computers has led to the development of mathematical simulation models to help solve complex problems.
Kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) are produced on a small scale. This species can tolerate transportation over long distances and without water.
The evolution of computers has led to the development of mathematical simulation models to help solve complex problems.
To reap the benefits of shrimp grading systems, processors must choose a method combining accuracy and efficiency with gentle handling.
Australia has a diverse and abundant fauna of local shrimp but only P. monodon, P. japonicus and P. merguiensis are farmed there.
The American Heart Association recently introduced its new dietary guidelines, which now recommend that people eat seafood twice a week.
A study of shrimp exports showed increasing product diversification and demand for value-added shrimp products.
While other species progressed to commercialization faster than yellow perch, the move to bring the fish to commercial status is well founded.
Along the eastern U.S., two highvalue flatfish species – summer flounder and southern flounder – are top candidates for commercial grow-out.
Supporting the global growth of pelagic fish aquaculture will require more efficient, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable methodology.
At the Gulf Coast Research Lab in Mississippi, red snapper have been reared during the past three summers and released offshore for two years.
Bullfrog farming has developed from extensive, single-crop, low-yield methods to intensive, economically viable, multiple-crop systems.
Chlorine is used in fish processing to prevent contamination by waterborne pathogens and to reduce the incidence of cross-contamination.
Female tilapia broodstock spawn asynchronously, producing only 2,000 eggs per clutch. Hatchery operators often run into low seed quantity and quality problems.
Processed tilapia is continuing to improve as international growers upgrade their production, processing and transportation systems.
Grupo Granjas Marinas built a shrimp-cooking facility adjacent to its processing facility in Honduras and replaced its refrigeration equipment.
This article describes a mechanized shrimp harvesting that consistently yields quality product suitable for the European market.