Microbial communities affect water quality, shrimp performance in Belize
Belize Aquaculture’s approach to shrimp farming uses selectively bred stocks, feed input with less than 20 percent protein and water recirculation at harvest.
Multiple-batch production systems have for many years been the norm for the production of channel catfish in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Belize Aquaculture’s approach to shrimp farming uses selectively bred stocks, feed input with less than 20 percent protein and water recirculation at harvest.
The pirarucu is a promising species for tropical aquaculture due to its market value and good performance under intensive culture.
Interest in the commercial culture of largemouth bass is due to great demand and a high selling price compared to other cultured species.
The culture of hybrid bass in the United States grew from 450 metric tons in 1999, most of which was grown by a single producer, to 4,760 tons in 2002.
Giant clams are unique, not only for their huge size, but also the millions to billions of singled-celled symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) in their tissues.
China produces 95 percent of the freshwater pearls sold in the world market. Exports have increased rapidly since the first trade took place in 1970.
Pearl oyster culture is one of the more valuable aquaculture industries. Japan, Australia and French Polynesia are the main pearl-producing countries.
Akoya pearl oysters garnered attention in Australia in the years following the decline of production in Japan due to disease and pollution.
Recent research with cobia has generated considerable interest from both science and industry, primarily because of the rapid growth rate and flesh quality of the fish.
Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) has moved beyond research and development to claiming a growing share of commercial finfish aquaculture production.
Greenhouse raceways can be managed with zero to minimal water exchange, thus greatly reducing environmental impacts due to effluent discharge.
A combined effort led to major breakthroughs in marine fish aquaculture in the southeastern United States and Caribbean in 2002.
Increasing fishing pressure and loss of habitat along Florida’s coastline have led to the development of protocols for snook aquaculture and stock enhancement.
Chinese mitten-handed crabs are a fast-growing aquaculture species in China during the last decade, with consumption dating back a millennium.
Tilapia culture in Kuwait was initiated by the Institute for Scientific Research to screen and select species suitable for intensive commercial production.