Production priorities overshadow genetic quality at African fish hatcheries
African fish hatcheries were built to produce catfish and tilapia fingerlings, but practices that fail to maintain genetic diversity limit growth performance.
A U.S. study found that high-pressure processing reduced Vibrio vulnificus levels in oysters and can help extend their shelf life.
African fish hatcheries were built to produce catfish and tilapia fingerlings, but practices that fail to maintain genetic diversity limit growth performance.
The contribution of tilapia culture in Africa to world tilapia production is low, despite the fact that these fish are originally African.
With university assistance, traditional farmers in Oman are evaluating the culture of tilapia in farm areas with saline groundwater.
Pearls were once regarded as precious gems until researchers working with all the major species of pearl-bearing mollusks figured out how to produce the animals by the millions.
Many chemicals are used as antimicrobial compounds but ozone has characteristics that make it desirable for disinfection and sanitizing.
Freshwater prawns are farmed in almost all states in Brazil, although the industry is concentrated in the southeast region, mainly the state of Espirito Santo.
A model designed at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington examines the profitability of summer flounder aquaculture using recirculating systems.
Pintado, a South American carnivorous catfish that inhabits the Paraná and São Francisco River basins, is cultured in most regions of Brazil.
Snook are indigenous to coastal waters from Florida, USA, to Brazil. Mote Marine Laboratory has spawned snook for stock enhancement research.
Haiphong province is one of the main shrimp culture areas in northern Vietnam. Its climate is influenced by two monsoon regimes.
One catfish species of the genus Pangasius, commonly known as the basa catfish, has proven very adaptable for intensive production.
Pulsed light appears to kill all types of bacteria and eukaryotic microorganisms with equal effectiveness and could be a cost-effective control method.
The Australian red claw crayfish is a large freshwater crayfish native to northern Australia and the catchments of southeastern Papua New Guinea.
Amberjacks have excellent aquaculture potential due to their adaptability to conditions of intensive culture, extremely fast growth, and high market value.
Research at the Achotines Laboratory on the southern tip of the Azuero Peninsula of Panama centers on larval tuna biology.