Shrimp farming in Bangladesh
As Bangladesh strives for gains in exports, its shrimp industry is addressing production efficiency, disease control and responsible development.
The pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is present in the environment and easily transferred to food and food contact surfaces.
As Bangladesh strives for gains in exports, its shrimp industry is addressing production efficiency, disease control and responsible development.
Selenium is crucial in key human metabolic processes that ensure normal growth and development and strong immune and antioxidant defense systems.
Product quality in cold-smoked salmon is best maintained by smoking fresh fish with high fat content and freezing them after, not before, smoking.
Although U.S. hatcheries aid stocking programs, paddlefish culture has not been commercialized. Russia and China raise the fish for meat and caviar.
A selection program can produce channel catfish with smaller heads relative to their body weights to deliver higher dress and fillet yields.
Hybrid soft corals Sinularia maxima and S. polydactyla contain numerous compounds that have potential for important pharmaceutical activities.
The varied partners in the NorthCod project aim to improve cod broodstock management and production practices in northern Europe.
The introduction of specific pathogen-free white shrimp brought both a new species and new ideas to China’s aquaculture industry.
Research at the Oceanic Institute found that white shrimp grown in a raceway at high density could reach 34-grams in 155 days with minimal water use.
Hatchery development for freshwater prawns, based on the modified greenwater system, is making expansion of aquaculture in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta possible.
Tropical abalone has aquaculture potential, since it is amenable to traditional selective breeding and modern DNA techniques to help reduce inbreeding.
While queen conchs have supported ocean fisheries for centuries, declining populations and catches have prompted management measures and aquaculture development.
The use of phosphates to protect shrimp moisture has been questioned due to abuses. The alternative demand for chem-free shrimp can involve similar abuses and deception.
A project between an oyster hatchery and a university is working on a selective-breeding program for silver- or gold-lip pearl oysters in Indonesia.
Profitability in the shrimp industry is increasingly related to business factors. Cost effectiveness is a better profit strategy than simple cost reduction.