A seat at the table: Fed By Blue team says aquaculture needs a stronger voice
In Fed By Blue, star power and a women-led production team aim to prop up farmed seafood with a focus on the message: Blue foods are the future.
U.S. scientists released KelpWatch.org – a digital map of kelp forest canopy that will be instrumental in ecosystem restoration.
In Fed By Blue, star power and a women-led production team aim to prop up farmed seafood with a focus on the message: Blue foods are the future.
Excluded from exhibiting at leading trade shows, where exactly do plant-based and cell-based seafood alternatives belong, and under what rules?
Grocery chains, seafood industry stakeholders and experts are calling for improved traceability standards for seafood sold in Canada.
A new study from Nofima shows that adapting the UV light dosage to the pathogen is effective and could reduce energy costs for aquaculture facilities.
Baseline spatial distribution knowledge will help to understand the distribution of mariculture production and adequately plan for future growth.
Fed By Blue, a new science-based communications initiative promoting blue foods, was launched at the SXSW conference in Texas.
Study on seafood marketing messaging could help improve communication with consumers and drive the seafood industry.
At the first Seafood Expo North America since 2019, excitement, relief and the familiar smells of sauteed seafood samples were in the air once again.
An Indigenous business operating in Atlantic Canada is testing a sea urchin vacuum developed by C Robotics to improve harvesting efficiency.
Tasmania has passed a bill to enable offshore marine aquaculture research, which will help sustainably grow the salmon farming industry.
A new study finds that research inflates the growth potential of mariculture and undervalues the production potential for freshwater aquaculture.
NOAA has found that marine finfish aquaculture in Puget Sound has little to no negative impact on native species.
The state's aquaculture association’s new guide will inform producers about distribution channels and how to bring their products to market.
NOAA has released a new guide to help navigate the federal marine aquaculture permitting process in U.S. waters.
Amid a dizzying landscape of passions and politics, a recent survey showed the confusing messages Canadians are getting about salmon farming.