Dietary tannic acid performs well in Pacific white shrimp diets
Trials in China reveal dietary tannic acid can aid shrimp growth, digestion, nonspecific immunity, ammonia resistance and gut health.
Horizon Europe has launched a new aquaculture research project to improve farmed fish health and welfare in Europe.
Trials in China reveal dietary tannic acid can aid shrimp growth, digestion, nonspecific immunity, ammonia resistance and gut health.
The University of Stirling has secured funding to improve farmed fish welfare in Thailand and Vietnam, with the aim to enhance fish quality.
Novel study uses fully automated L. salmonis eDNA quantification for autonomous water sample analysis of gene targets to monitor parasitic loads.
From a study in South Korea arise practical strategies to manage Vibriosis and the costly AHPND in shrimp aquaculture.
To maximize production of both tilapia and shrimp in biofloc polyculture and IMTA production, the two species should be grown separately.
It is possible to maintain a microbial community in artificial substrates, after a period of absence of shrimp, aeration and even water.
Researchers are developing a first-of-its-kind immunology testing kit for Atlantic salmon that could monitor all aspects of fish health.
An understanding of rearing water microbiota and factors influencing their dynamics is key for effective management of biofloc shrimp culture systems.
Adding sodium humate enhances growth, digestive enzymes and immune enzyme activity of L. vannamei by improving the water microbial community.
Scotland will host the biennial International Sea Lice Conference in 2024, after a successful bid led by SAIC.
Treating oyster larvae with specific combinations of probiotics can "significantly boost" their survival rates, says a new study.
Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod is installing an in-water electrical stunner to enhance animal welfare for its farmed fish.
Demand for dissolved oxygen is high in modern, intensive aquaculture, so DO concentration must be continuously maintained by mechanical aeration.
Nofima scientists have developed a test that measures the immune status of salmon smolt that could increase the smolts’ chances of survival.
Dietary inputs of methanol and ethanol from seaweed extracts improve growth, survival, antibacterial activities and immune responses of P. monodon.