Pompano reared to market size in RAS
In a trial, rearing density affected the mean weight and weight gain of pompano, although differences between treatments became apparent toward the end of the study.
Tilapia in culture are affected by bacterial, viral and parasitic pathogens. Disease impacts vary depending on both environmental and biological factors.
In a trial, rearing density affected the mean weight and weight gain of pompano, although differences between treatments became apparent toward the end of the study.
Molecular markers can allow on-farm selection of high-performance families without the need to use costly alternatives such as separate rearing of families/ groups of families or tagging animals.
Studies indicate dietary arginine supplementation may constitute an effective means of increasing immunocompetency and disease resistance of fish.
Both bacterial pathogens and chemical residues can affect the quality of farmed tilapia products. In production systems, Vibrio bacteria quickly proliferate following disease outbreaks.
In Australia, CSIRO is investigating techniques to produce reproductively sterile, all-female shrimp populations through polyploidy, irradiation, or genetic engineering.
Selective breeding across multiple generations of Nile tilapia representing varied geographic populations yielded the “genetically improved farmed tilapia,” or GIFT tilapia, in the late 1990s.
A range of commercial immunostimulants derived from microorganisms claim to boost the innate defense mechanisms and have broad-spectrum positive effects in shrimp.
In a study of the effects of interaction between genotype and dietary protein levels on fish performance, GIFT tilapia had greater growth than red hybrids fed diets with equal or higher protein levels.
Using clear-water tank systems, CSIRO and a collaborating farm have advanced the domestication of black tiger stocks in Australia.
Red abalone-breeding programs need to consider total weight rather than shell length when broodstock animals are selected.
Several trials in Ecuador and Thailand showed that nucleotide supplementation in feed can improve growth and survival in shrimp and tilapia production.
Shrimp diets need amino acid composition, balance and availability. Protein digestive capacity appears related to both nutrient availability and composition in feed.
Oyster farming in South Australia has become a highly productive and sustainable venture. A quality-control program, new grading systems and government support can help increase oyster exports.
Rendered animal proteins present viable alternatives to fishmeal in aquafeeds. High digestible protein and energy contents make them cost-efficient in low-fishmeal formulations.
It is important to understand the distribution of pathogenic bacteria in the marine environment to predict potential health concerns transmitted by seafood.