Potential of YY male tilapia technology

YY male tilapia technology, based on the genetic manipulation of sex, provides a robust, reliable method of achieving male fish. It avoids the use of hormones and maintains strain purity in genetically normal males. 

Hyper-intensive nursery systems offer advantages for shrimp culture
Hyper-intensive nursery systems offer advantages for shrimp culture

Hyper-intensive nursery systems offer advantages for shrimp culture

Hyper-intensive nursery systems for juvenile shrimp production present significant opportunities for shrimp farmers to increase profits. Nursery culture results in strong, healthy and uniform juveniles with great potential for compensatory growth when stocked in production ponds. Nurseries produce a maximum number of juveniles of a desired weight, and their use can reduce production costs by shortening time in growout ponds and increasing pond efficiency through additional cycles per year. 

More tilapia, higher profit?
More tilapia, higher profit?

More tilapia, higher profit?

The introduction of tilapia to irrigation reservoirs in Israel improved the efficiency of water usage and reduced the cost of water needed for tilapia culture. Although requiring considerable investment, many dual-use reservoirs were constructed and equipped for efficient harvesting.