From waste to value: Upgrading marine oils from cod on-board deep-sea vessels
There is a large potential to upgrade currently wasted raw materials like cod residuals into high-quality marine oils for feed ingredients.
A recommended fisheries stock assessment approach can help ensure best practices that are suitable to support management decisions.
There is a large potential to upgrade currently wasted raw materials like cod residuals into high-quality marine oils for feed ingredients.
Seafood giant signs on to the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership initiative aiming to reduce the bycatch of vulnerable marine wildlife.
The report highlights successful fisheries management in the U.S. and the broad economic impact of commercial and recreational fisheries.
Aging error and age range influences the uncertainty of growth estimation in major tuna species, necessitating improved accuracy of age analysis.
Study finds that having a metal bar to bang crab pots against during harvest can help fishermen prevent injury.
New global financing model aims to catalyze more than $100 million in sustainable fisheries improvement by 2030.
Researchers find a strong link between Chinook salmon abundance trends and time spent in relatively cold freshwater and marine habitats.
Distinct stocks of North Atlantic cod are being stressed by different factors of varying management severity due to the impacts of climate change.
Artificial intelligence and machine-learning technologies have great potential in video fisheries surveys, a research team has determined.
A working group will seek ways to reduce potential conflicts between ropeless fishing gear and fisheries in the Northeast United States.
The European Union has made four proposals for the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission session next month to improve tuna fisheries management.
A closer look at the conflict between North American fixed-gear fisheries and North Atlantic right whale protection measures.
Australian team models the impact of climate change on zooplankton, which represents about 40 percent of the world’s marine biomass.
Three commercial kit protocols produced similar results for extracted DNA amount and quality so choice depends on financial resources and time.
A NOAA study finds marine heat waves can occur with little evidence of ocean warming at the surface, which impacts fisheries management.