Ace Aquatec and Shrimp Welfare Project team up to promote humane stunning

Responsible Seafood Advocate

Ace Aquatec and the Shrimp Welfare Project working together to improve shrimp welfare through humane stunning methods

shrimp welfare
Ace Aquatec is partnering with the Shrimp Welfare Project to improve shrimp welfare through humane stunning methods.

Ace Aquatec, specialists in aquaculture technology, have partnered with the Shrimp Welfare Project to promote humane stunning solutions for shrimp producers worldwide.

The Shrimp Welfare Project aims to provide 24 shrimp producers globally with electrical stunning devices at no cost until the end of 2025. To qualify, producers must commit to stunning a minimum of 2,000 metric tons (MT) of shrimp annually and demonstrate a dedication to enhancing welfare practices to the best of their ability. The project aims to expedite the adoption of electrical stunning throughout the shrimp industry and has already facilitated access to stunning equipment for producers in Latin America and Southeast Asia.

“We’re proud to be collaborating with Shrimp Welfare Project to further our mutual goal of making humane stunning solutions accessible to shrimp farmers everywhere,” said Tara McGregor-Woodhams, CSMO at Ace Aquatec. “With evidence pointing to shrimps’ sentience, and their sensitivity to inadequate slaughter methods, there’s an acute need to revolutionize shrimp slaughter processes globally. This partnership is taking steps to address the issue on an industry-wide scale, and we hope to expand it further in the coming months and years.”

The collaboration highlights a growing recognition within the aquaculture industry of the need for more humane slaughter methods for shrimp, one of the most widely produced aquatic species for human consumption. While immersion in ice-water slurry is still commonly used worldwide, there is increasing concern that this method may not adequately stun decapods during the slaughter process.

Ace Aquatec’s Prawn Humane Stunner Universal (A-HSUTM) provides effective, safe and rapid in-water stunning solutions, stunning the shrimp unconscious in less than a second and reducing handling, and therefore stress.

“Humane slaughter of animals is crucial for maintaining good welfare throughout the entire process,” said Krzysztof Wojtas, head of programs at Shrimp Welfare Project. “We are keen to actively collaborate with the shrimp farming industry and support them in making the transition towards humane slaughter. This partnership is a significant step in advancing our mission, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on shrimp welfare globally.”


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