GSA Updates Aquafeed Requirements in BAP Feed Mill Standard

Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) has updated requirements to its Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) Feed Mill Standard, Issue 3.2. These updates have been made to Section 4 (Environment – Sustainability of Key Inputs: Fishmeal, Fish Oil, Soy and Palm Oil) to strengthen requirements for certified aquafeed, specifically as it relates to fishmeal, fish oil, and byproduct sourcing requirements.

The changes to the standard:

  • Clarify acceptable uses of byproducts to meet responsible sourcing requirements of marine ingredients in aquafeed
  • Update the types of fishery verification or improvement programs eligible for use in meeting responsible sourcing requirements in aquafeed
  • Require enhanced verification of the traceability procedures used when sourcing fishmeal and fish oil from recognized improver programs
  • Provide improved guidance procedures on demonstrating traceability of marine ingredient sourcing for aquafeed

These changes are intended to bolster the strength and integrity of the BAP Feed Mill Standard as well as adapt to industry-wide shifts in production conditions. View the standard here.

These changes will take effect on December 9, 2024. After this date, all feed mills applying to attain BAP certification will need to apply to Issue 3.2. GSA will be conducting specific auditor training ahead of this to prepare Certification Bodies for the change. If you have any questions about these updates, please contact the GSA team here.