GSA Launches BAP Consumer Websites in French and German

Two new Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) consumer websites in French and German were just launched, the Global Seafood Alliance has announced. The sites contain information on the BAP certification program, information about aquaculture, seafood recipes and nutritional information about seafood’s positive effect on health and wellness.

The sites are a key piece of GSA’s efforts to increase brand awareness of the BAP label in Europe as more retail and foodservice partners sign on to source products from BAP-certified producers. For a full list of companies that endorse the BAP program, visit the BAP ‘Where to Find’ page here.

“These sites provide our French and German partners with a place they can direct consumers to learn more about the BAP program and responsibly sourced farmed seafood,” said Elise Avallon, Marketing Director. “They are an integral component of our marketing efforts to bolster the visibility of the BAP label in European markets.”

In addition to the two sites, two Instagram accounts in French and German were launched recently as well as part of these efforts. If you’re interested in learning more about BAP marketing initiatives or how you can talk to your customers about BAP, reach out to the GSA team here.

About Global Seafood Alliance

The Global Seafood Alliance is an international, nonprofit trade association dedicated to advancing responsible seafood practices through education, advocacy and third-party assurances. Through the development of its certification programs, GSA has become the leading provider of assurances for wild and farmed seafood globally. The organization’s work addresses the full spectrum of responsibility, from environmental responsibility and social accountability to food safety. Established in 1997 as the Global Aquaculture Alliance, GSA is headquartered in Portsmouth, N.H., USA. To learn more, visit